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Polkuni HK looking back at the end of 2018 ...Blog 1... GET Show Beijing November

I went for the first time to visit the GET Education show in Beijing to get a feel for what is happening inside the China market from the perspective of the Chinese companies so it was very interesting to see and get a feel for their market perspective.

I have to say the first two days we had very bad pollution and very grey skies but the third day we got to see that Beijing is a really interesting city and very different from the skyline of Shanghai. At the GET show it was good to hear all the views and the perspectives from the key players and founders in the many Chinese Education Unicorn companies.

Many talk about their continued expansion within the China market, so moving their focus from the 1st tier cities to the 2nd and 3rd tier cities, whose population if it was anywhere other than China would seem to be huge.

Comprehending the scale of the China market is still very difficult as it just continues to grow, but its very important to remember not to see China as one market, but one huge land mass with many markets, which in lots of cases are very different. So its never a case in China that one solution fits all needs in all locations, so a deeper understanding of China is needed if you are to try and access the market.

One of the best ways to get overall information on the China Edtech market is via JMD edu

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