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Rapping up South by.. Edu

SXSW did not let us down. Again combination of inspiring speakers, challenging workshops and valuable takeaways got us excited. To me two themes fired the discussions in almost all sessions

- INEQUALITY: Many countries struggle with huge inequality issues around education. It was claimed that giving girls equal chance to education than boys could actually solve issues like climate change. Most countries struggle to educate minorities and immigrants often face difficulties to adjust to local society. In the US there seems to be a lot of initiatives to solve the issue.

- MUSIC, DANCE AND STORYTELLING: Art and creativity were the topics in many sessions. Art in many forms was given the important role it deserves in education. All these three should be taken into schools daily activities to improve learning results. Methods, technologies and science are there already for you but still we stick to old teaching methods. Some schools take art seriously with excellent results engaging students to school and learning for necessary future life (survival) skills.

- NORDICS: Long live Nordic co-operation. House of Scandinavia hosted events and people just next to conference center. One of the highlights was Prince Haakon of Norways appearing and opening the Nordic Pitch at SXSW sponsored by SAS. Mightifier and CEO Mervi were representing Finland in the event. Nordics is a market of 23 million inhabitants and can play a major role in the future changing the world of education. Let's play it...TOGETHER!

Prince Haakon of Norway opening the Nordic pitching night.

Mighty Mervi on stage.

The two paths our kids need to choose from. Our job is gentle guide them to see the light in life.

Rap workshop showed us how well music and storytelling could be integrated to daily school subjects.

Share your story by dancing it out. Powerful way of engaging students also learning to fail in safe environment.

Workshop miniguitars under heavy test with Toni.

Ladies meet up. In many cases teaching is the 2nd option but some teachers actually leave good positions in business to become a teacher too.

Sunny SXSW in Austin. Ready for music and films after Education week.

Instruments on the street.

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