Big Bang Legends teaching 4 year old kids Quantum Physics, launched in Hong Kong

Polkuni HK today supported the media launch of Big Bang Legends, the first game from Lightneer Finland that really teachers young children Quantum Physics by stealth. The event was held at metta in HK, the new HK home of innovators and entrepreneurs.
The goal of Big Bang Legends is to make educational games as exciting to play as the best casual games in the world, so Big Bang Legends is not looking to compete with the mass of educational games, but to go up directly against the top casual games in the world, so fight for kids attention time.
But if you were a parent and you knew that 30 minutes your child was playing a game on their mobile or their tablet was actually educational, and it can be confirmed by an independent 3rd party assessor that the game really does really educate, then thats a big weight off the parents mind.
So very soon rather than your child trying to impress you will all the names of the characters in the Pokemon Go game, it they quote you all the elements in the periodic table from playing a game thats a move in the right direction for everyone involved.