Xavier School Manila, Apple distinguished school.

I had the pleasure of looking around the Xavier private school in Manila this week, the school was founded in 1995, on great campus, which todays accommodates 4,000 students, all boys. There is also a second Xavier school campus just opened in another part of Manila, that is bigger than this initial campus, but will operate as a mixed school, boys and girls.
The President of the school, Fr.Aristotle C Dy, was a keynote speaker at the EduTech event in Manila earlier in the week, talking about the accessing the critical key skills of the 21st Century school leaver. A lot of Fr Aristotle's points were around the need for digital skills as part of the standard curriculum, including the need to establish links with industry partners to make the content in school more relevant to the world outside school.

I had the opportunity to meet with and talk to the heads of school at Xavier, it was very good to learn more about how they see the education market today and where they see it going in the future. It was also an opportunity to share more about the Finnish edtech products represented and supported by Polkuni HK.

As a result of their position as an Apple distinguished school there are a lot of digital developed programs, you can see iPads everywhere in the school, this is the school's main device for delivering digital content. In addition, as seen above they have many apple labs on site, so this, from a digital device perspective is a very well equipped school. The relationship has been agreed with Polkuni HK, where Xavier will become a trail school for Polkuni HK edtech partner products.