EDiversity seminar & School visits
Invitation to EDiversity seminar: "Examinations and Assessments : Uses and Misuses in 21st Century Education"
As we are talking more about the difficult-to-measure soft skills and attributes desirable for the 21st century, how should we balance the pursuit of big data, design exam and assessment, and use its data to ensure that individual development of students is safeguarded? After months of heated TSA debate, it is opportune to have important academics from the US and Finland visiting HK and join this seminar to give us fresh perspectives on exams and assessments.
Dr. Stephen Krashen, professor emeritus at the University of Southern California
Dr. Kristiina Erkkilä, Dir. of Development for the Education & Cultural Services, Espoo, Finland
Professor Esther Ho, Professor, Dept. of Educational Administration and Policy, Fac of Ed, CUHK
Moderator: Prof. Stephen Chiu, Department of Sociology and Co-Director of The Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK.
Date: Feb 19 (Fri) , 0930-1130
Polkuni were a sponsor.
Polkuni arranges local school visits
The other pictures are of Dr.Kristiina and Minna Kukkonen, Innokas co-ordinator from Espoo, all at a HK local primary school, organised by Polkuni.